Can Guinea Pigs Eat Carrots – What You Didn’t Know


Yes, guinea pigs can eat carrots. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, C, fiber, beta-carotene, all of which are vital to the development of a guinea pig’s body and health. However, feed carrots only in limited quantities as it contains vast amounts of sugar.

Carrot is a healthy vegetable and looks like the ideal kind of veggie for guinea pigs.

In fact, the first food I thought suited guinea pigs the best was carrot(though it just is a misconception).

We are used to relating rodents with carrots. 

Through this post, you’ll get to know if guinea pigs can eat carrot leaves, tops, peels.

You’ll also learn to prepare carrots in a way best suited for cavies.

Are carrots good for guinea pigs?

Yes, carrots are good for guinea pigs. Carrots contain a good amount of essential vitamins and minerals, making them an ideal food for guinea pigs.

Carrots are widely known to improve eyesight.

And yes, vitamin A in carrots can help enhance the vision of cavies.

Vitamin C helps prevent scurvy and improves the immune system.

Potassium in carrots is crucial for maintaining the fluid balance in a guinea pig’s body.

It also helps avoid kidney stones. 

The fiber in carrots also enhances bowel movements and increases the level of satiety in guinea pigs.

This helps weight loss in guinea pigs as the cavies tend to eat less.

This is a tactic that can be used to reduce weight in obese guinea pigs

Can carrots kill guinea pigs?

No, carrots cannot kill guinea pigs. Carrots can cause serious health issues when consumed over the prescribed limits. The presence of high levels of sugar can result in guinea pig obesity.

Carrots can also cause allergies.

These are pollen-based allergies and can lead to trouble in the form of mouth sores or swollen mouth.

Too many carrots can result in bloating or diarrhea in guinea pigs.

Calcium in carrots can cause urinary tract stones when consumed in large quantities.

Young guinea pigs can handle the levels of calcium in carrots, but adult cavies cannot.

How many carrots can you give a guinea pig?

Guinea pigs can eat one carrot every week. The carrot needs to be cut into pieces not more than 2 inches in size. 

Guinea pigs love carrots and would love to nibble them all the time. 

Carrots also contain various antioxidants that help prevent damage of cells in a guinea pig’s body.

However, remember to keep the limit as too many carrots can cause more harm than good. 

Can guinea pigs eat carrots every day?

No, guinea pigs shouldn’t eat carrots every day. They can eat only one carrot every week. The sugar content in carrots stops us from feeding more of this delicious veggie to cavies.

Sugar has multiple adverse effects on the body.

It can cause diabetes, obesity, and even tooth decay in some cases.

Can guinea pigs eat carrot tops?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat carrot tops. The leaves on top of the carrot constitute the tops and are nutrient-rich with vitamin A, C, fiber, and calcium.

Green parts of a plant are loved by guinea pigs, and so are carrot tops.

Carrot tops act as a diverse component in a guinea pig’s food bowl.

They are fresh and can complement other dry food being served to cavies.

Ah, we’re back again at it – as carrot tops contain calcium do not provide more than 2-3 leaves a week. 

Can guinea pigs eat carrots with skin?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat carrots with skin. The skin alone can be served to guinea pigs. Ensure to wash the skin thoroughly as it may contain traces of dirt or harmful chemicals

If you’re eating a raw carrot and remove the peel, you can toss a few pieces of the peel inside a guinea pig’s cage.

Carrot peel is one such item guinea pigs keep munching for a very long time, and they love doing this.

Why not give them the joy of nibbling fresh, tasty food?

It should also be noted that not all cavies like carrot peel.

It would help if you first tried to introduce a small portion of a carrot peel in a guinea pig’s food bowl.

If it’s left uneaten, avoid adding carrot peel to a guinea pig’s diet 

Can guinea pigs eat carrot cake?

Carrot cakes are a strict no for guinea pigs as they are too sweet for guinea pigs. Additives like sugar, baking powder make it unsuitable for consumption by cavies. 

Any kind of cake is unfit for guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs can only eat fresh, natural food, and cake should never be a part of their diet.

The rudimentary digestive system of guinea pigs cannot handle cake and result in diarrhea and stomach aches.

Can guinea pigs eat baby carrots?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat baby carrots. Baby carrots contain high levels of lutein, folate, and selenium, which help create a healthy body for guinea pigs.

 Baby carrots are carrots harvested early and hence are small in size.

Raw baby carrots are a great value add to guinea pigs. 

Can guinea pigs drink carrot juice?

No, guinea pigs shouldn’t drink carrot juice.

Commercial carrot juice has substantial amounts of sugar, making it unsuitable for guinea pigs to have.

The best drink for guinea pigs is water.

In case carrot juice is prepared without adding extra sugar, just through juicing the carrot, guinea pigs can consume it.

Can guinea pigs eat cooked carrots?

No, guinea pigs shouldn’t eat cooked carrots. Cooked carrots have depleted nutrients and additives like oil, salt. 

Guinea pigs should only be fed with fresh carrots.

Not just cooked carrots, any form of cooked veggie needs to be kept away from guinea pigs.

The digestive system of guinea pigs isn’t tuned to handle cooked food

Can guinea pigs eat frozen carrots?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat frozen carrots. The carrots need to be thawed and brought to room temperature before being fed to guinea pigs.

It might be tempting to toss a carrot straight from your refrigerator into guinea pig cages.

But never make this mistake.

Guinea pigs aren’t accustomed to eating food at such low temperatures.

Can guinea pigs eat canned carrots?

No, guinea pigs shouldn’t eat canned carrots.

Canned carrots contain preservatives that are harmful to guinea pigs.

Storing also leads to lowering of nutrients, thereby reducing the usefulness of carrots for cavies

Can baby guinea pigs eat carrots?

Baby guinea pigs can eat carrots after they’re four months old.

Even the high amount of calcium in carrots does not cause trouble in young guinea pigs. 

In fact, it is best to give regular carrots to baby guinea pigs and baby carrots to adult guinea pigs(how ironic!)

How to prepare carrots for guinea pigs?

Carrots make great food for guinea pigs. Here are the steps to prepare carrots in a manner suitable for guinea pigs

  • Choose the right carrot

    Pick a carrot that is fresh and unspoiled. Eliminate the ones that are spoiled even in the edges

  • Remove the skin

    If needed, peel the skin of the carrot. Test if a guinea pig likes carrot skin by giving unpeeled carrots to it.

    If the cavy hesitates to eat it, it could be because of the peel.

    Then feed cavies with peeled carrots and observe their reaction. Give it carrots accordingly.

  • Slice the carrot

    Cut the carrot into small pieces of not more than 2 inches in size. Providing carrots as such can lead to choking in guinea pigs

  • Add carrot tops

    You can also add carrot tops, the green part on top of carrots. 

  • Serve and remove the uneaten parts

    Mix it all in a food bowl and serve it to guinea pigs. Make sure to remove the leftovers.

Carrots made ready for cavies

Carrots prepared for consumption by guinea pigs

Nutrition in carrots for guinea pigs

Total lipid (fat)0.24g
Fiber, total dietary2.8g
Calcium, Ca33mg
Iron, Fe0.3mg
Magnesium, Mg12mg
Phosphorus, P35mg
Potassium, K320mg
Vitamin A, RAE835µg
Carotene, beta8280µg
Vitamin C5.9mg

USDA – Nutrition in carrots


Beta-carotene, present in carrots, is a compound found in many foods and plants. It’s the active form of vitamin A.

It’s also an antioxidant, and scientists have found that beta-carotene is converted in the body to vitamin A.

Vitamin A in carrots is vital for the maintenance of healthy eyes, bones, skin, and the immune system.

It’s been shown to improve immunity to colds and flu and reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Vitamin A is also essential for maintaining healthy eyesight, bone health, and healthy skin.


Potassium is an essential mineral that helps regulate heart, muscle, and brain function in guinea pigs.

It helps control blood pressure.

Potassium is also one of the most vital electrolytes in our bodies.

Potassium helps regulate internal water balance and thus helps with proper hydration, which is hugely important for the overall health of cavies. 


Fiber is an essential part of a guinea pig’s diet, as it helps keep their digestive tract working properly and aids in weight loss.

This is because dietary fiber digests slowly, preventing the other nutrients in our food from being absorbed into our bloodstream as quickly as they would otherwise.

This makes fiber a way for our bodies to get the rest of the nutrients they need without feeling overly full.

Carrots are also a good source of vitamin C. 

Quick facts about carrots

Carrots are one of the most widely consumed vegetables globally, and they have the reputation of being a good source of nutrients, especially vitamin A.

Their bright orange color and distinctive flavor make them a hit with kids and adults alike. Carrots have a long history of use as a food crop.

The Egyptians and Mayans both cultivated them, while the Greeks and Romans used them for medicinal purposes.

Today, carrots are most widely grown in Europe and North America. 

Carrots are the emblematic vegetable of spring, and that’s because, like most things in nature, carrots are a source of both vitamins and minerals.

There are different varieties of carrots: from the slender-nosed young carrots that can be eaten raw straight from the garden to the mature, orange-tinted carrots that can be served with meals, to the red-orange ones that can be added to salads.

General info

Leafy greens should be provided to cavies.

Fresh vegetables and fruits should be given along with hay to ensure a balanced diet.

Ensuring a constant supply of freshwater is equally important.

Water can be served in a water bottle or bowl. Frozen food shouldn’t be given to piggies. 

Other parts of the carrot plant are also edible in restricted quantities.

Green veggies need to be given to cavies.

Too many carrots can cause digestive issues. Also, it’s best to feed organic carrots. 

Reference: Variation in content of carotenoids and vitamin C in carrots

Summary of ‘guinea pigs and carrots’

  • Guinea pigs can eat carrots
  • Carrots are rich in vitamin A, C, and beta-carotene
  • Guinea pigs can eat one carrot every week.
  • The ideal size of each piece of carrot is 2 inches.
  • Baby carrots can also be eaten
  • Carrots should not be over-consumed as they contain high levels of sugar.
  • This can cause diabetes, obesity in guinea pigs.
  • Cavies can eat carrot tops.
  • Guinea pigs shouldn’t have carrot cake and juice.
  • Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat frozen carrots while they can consume the cooked ones.
  • Baby guinea pigs can also eat carrots after four months since birth.

What part of a carrot can guinea pigs eat?

Guinea pigs can eat the fleshy part of carrots, carrot tops(leaves), and skin. However, precautions need to be taken to prepare carrots properly for guinea pigs.

Can guinea pigs eat carrot leaves?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat carrot leaves. Carrot leaves are referred to as carrot tops.