Can Guinea Pigs Eat Tomatoes? | Fruit, Leaves, Vines

guinea pig eating tomato

Yes, guinea pigs can eat tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, K, potassium, proteins, carbohydrates, and fiber. Hence, they make good guinea pig food. Tomatoes contain high levels of sugar and hence need to be fed in moderation.

Long back, tomatoes were assumed to be fruits that shouldn’t be consumed.

Today, tomatoes are one of the most consumed fruits in the world.

Tomatoes are popularly used in salads and added to give flavor to food. 

Through this post, you’ll get an idea of whether you can feed tomato leaves, vines, stalks, and seeds.

You’ll also learn how tomatoes need to be prepared for consumption by guinea pigs.

Are tomatoes good for guinea pigs?

Tomatoes are definitely good for guinea pigs. Tomatoes contain a variety of macro and micronutrients making them a wholesome food for guinea pigs

The nutrition in tomatoes helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, reduces inflammation, and gives a boost to guinea pigs. 

Prevents cardiovascular diseases

Lycopene and beta-carotene present in tomatoes reduce the possibility of stroke and heart ailments.

Guinea pigs are prone to a lot of heart diseases and tomatoes can play a crucial part in reducing this.

Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is common in all living organisms but it becomes serious trouble when it turns into a chronic problem.

Antioxidants help reduce inflammation and tomatoes are packed with antioxidants to help achieve this. 

Boosts immune system – Vitamin C in guinea pigs is responsible for the robust development of white blood cells.

WBCs improve the immune system of the body.  

Can tomatoes kill guinea pigs?

No, tomatoes cannot kill guinea pigs. However, tomatoes need to be consumed in limited quantities because of the high levels of sugar and acidity they have. 

When over-consumed, the presence of acids can cause mouth and lip sores in cavies. Tomatoes contain high levels of oxalic acid which can lead to ‘cheilitis’.

Cheilitis causes inflammation of lips and scabs in the mouth. 

Though the sugar content in tomatoes is not extremely high, it is high enough to cause diabetes and obesity when overfed.

Sometimes, too many tomatoes can also cause diarrhea. 

Tomatoes can sometimes be allergic to guinea pigs.

This is very rare but can be observed in a few guinea pigs.

The best way to check this would be to give cavies a small slice of tomato, observe if there’re any adverse reactions, and act accordingly

How much tomatoes can guinea pigs eat?

Guinea pigs can eat 1 cubic inch of tomato per serving. It is best to feed tomatoes twice every week. Serving above the prescribed limits can result in adverse effects like diabetes and mouth ulcers in cavies

In case you are feeding a baby tomato, you can feed one full tomato.

Remember to introduce tomatoes slowly into a guinea pig’s food bowl.

Rapid changes in diet cannot be handled by the rudimentary digestive system of guinea pigs.

Can guinea pigs eat tomato leaves?

No, guinea pigs should never eat tomato leaves. Leaves of tomato plants contain tomatine and solanine which are toxic to guinea pigs. 

Tomato belongs to the nightshade family of plants whose leaves are generally toxic to small animals like guinea pigs.

But don’t panic if your guinea pig ever eats a tomato leaf by mistake.

One or two leaves are generally not harmful but consuming more of them can be poisonous to cavies. 

After all, why would we want to risk the lives of our cute little pets?

Make sure to keep tomato leaves out of reach of guinea pigs

Can guinea pigs eat tomato vines?

No, guinea pigs should not eat tomato vines. Vines of plants belonging to the nightshade family are unsuitable for consumption by guinea pigs 

Tomato stalks require support to grow and hence are called vines.

There’s a misconception that tomato stalks and vines are different but the fact is that both are one and the same.

Can guinea pigs eat tomato skin?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat tomato skin. Tomato skin is rich in potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium making it a good food for guinea pigs. 

The only caveat to eating tomato skin is the huge amount of chemicals on the surface of tomato skin.

It needs to be washed thoroughly as pesticides are totally harmful to guinea pigs

The skin also has a taste that can get guinea pigs hooked to it.

Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes with seeds?

Guinea pigs can absolutely eat tomato seeds. Tomato seeds are rich in dietary fiber, vitamin A and C. They are also soft and easy to chew hence eliminating the chances of choking.

Tomato seeds add diversity to a guinea pig’s diet.

This diversity ensures that guinea pigs just don’t get to taste the same thing every day.

The seeds being super-nutritious is a stacked advantage.

Can guinea pigs eat green tomatoes?

Guinea pigs shouldn’t eat unripe green tomatoes. Green tomatoes contain a compound called solanine which is harmful to guinea pigs. 

Consuming green tomatoes can also cause diarrhea and stomach ache in guinea pigs.

Solanine levels are comparatively lower in red tomatoes and hence are good for guinea pigs.

Cooking can reduce the solanine content in green apples but cooked food is not suitable for guinea pigs 

Can guinea pigs eat grape tomatoes?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat grape tomatoes. Grape tomatoes contain the same amount of nutrients as normal tomatoes but are tastier than cherry tomatoes. 

The shape of grape tomatoes is similar to that of grapes.

Its skin and seeds are also edible. 

How many grape tomatoes can a guinea pig eat?

Guinea pigs can eat 2 pieces of grape tomatoes twice every week. The sugar content in grape tomatoes is slightly lower than that in cherry tomatoes. Hence, it is great for consumption by guinea pigs

Can guinea pigs eat cherry tomatoes?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat cherry tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes have the same amount of nutrition as normal tomatoes and can be eaten as a whole per serving.

Cherry tomatoes are also called baby tomatoes.

It is a misconception that baby tomatoes aren’t suitable for consumption by guinea pigs.

Cherry tomatoes are totally safe and in fact, cavies love to nibble on it

Can guinea pigs eat plum tomatoes?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat plum tomatoes. Plum tomatoes have lower water content, seeds when compared to normal tomatoes. They comparatively have a higher amount of flesh when 

Plum tomatoes are rich in vitamins K, C, potassium, and fiber just like normal tomatoes.

Plum tomatoes are also called Roma tomatoes

Can guinea pigs eat yellow tomatoes?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat yellow tomatoes once every week. Yellow tomatoes have higher sodium, niacin, and folate in comparison to yellow tomatoes. They are also less acidic than the red ones

Yellow tomatoes have a sweet taste and hence are loved by guinea pigs.

The higher amount of sodium is a double-edged sword.

When fed in the above-prescribed quantities, it is extremely good for consumption by guinea pigs.

Can guinea pigs have sun dried tomatoes?

No, guinea pigs shouldn’t eat sun dried tomatoes. Sun-dried tomatoes are rich in sugar making them unviable for consumption by guinea pigs. 

Though sun dried tomatoes are richer than the fresh ones in terms of lycopene, the high amount of sugar increases the possibility of diabetes and hence obesity in guinea pigs

How to prepare tomatoes for guinea pigs?

Tomatoes make great food for guinea pigs. Here’s how to prepare tomatoes for guinea pigs

  • Select ripe tomatoes

    Choose only ripe tomatoes and neglect everything that’s unripe. Eliminate any other tomato that looks even slightly spoiled

  • Wash the tomatoes thoroughly

    Harmful chemicals are sprayed on the outer surface of tomatoes to keep them away from pests. Hence, the tomatoes need to be washed completely

  • Cut a small tomato piece

    Chop the tomato into small pieces. The ideal volume of each piece would be one cubic inch

  • Mix the seeds

    Guinea pigs can eat tomato seeds and hence feel free to mix them in a guinea pig’s food bowl

  • Remove tomato leaves, if any

    Guinea pigs should be kept away from tomato leaves. Hence, make sure to remove the leaves, if any

  • Remove uneaten food

    If your guinea pigs haven’t consumed the tomatoes ina  day, make sure to remove the food bowl the next day

Tomatoes made ready for cavies

Tomatoes prepared in a manner suitable for guinea pigs

Do guinea pigs like tomatoes?

Guinea pigs generally like tomatoes but there can be no definite answer. Most guinea pigs enjoy eating tomatoes but a few might not

The right way to introduce tomatoes into a guinea pig’s diet is to serve them a small slice of the tomato and observe if it gets eaten.

If it’s eaten, it would be ideal to look for any adverse effects.

Based on your inferences, make a decision on serving tomatoes to guinea pigs  

Can guinea pigs have tomato juice?

No, guinea pigs shouldn’t have tomato juice. Tomato juice contains an excessive amount of sugar that isn’t suitable for guinea pigs

Commercial tomato juice contains additives that should be kept out of reach of guinea pigs

Can guinea pigs have tomato sauce?

No, guinea pigs should never have tomato sauce. Tomato sauce has artificial additives that are totally unhealthy for cavies.

Therefore, tomato sauce is a strict no for you cute furry pets

Nutrition in tomatoes for guinea pigs

Fiber, total dietary1.2g
Calcium, Ca10mg
Iron, Fe0.27mg
Magnesium, Mg11mg
Potassium, K237mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)7.9µg

USDA – Nutrition in tomatoes


A protein is a macronutrient that a guinea pig’s needs in small amounts, including amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.

It acts as a source of energy by providing the body of piggies with building blocks for muscles and making enzymes that are necessary for a healthy metabolism. 


Carbohydrates are an essential part of a healthy guinea pig diet.

Cavies need carbohydrates to fuel their muscles and maintain energy levels.

They’re also important for maintaining energy levels, releasing energy from food and regulating blood sugar.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is critical for healthy blood, bone formation, normal blood clotting, and helps prevent bleeding from cuts and bruises in guinea pigs.

Without enough vitamin K, we can experience nosebleeds, petechiae (small bruises) on the skin, bleeding gums, and abnormal bruising.


Lycopene is thought to be able to lower the risk of certain cancers, including prostate and breast cancer, and help lower the risk of heart disease in guinea pigs.

Lycopene is also thought to be beneficial for eye health, lowering the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.


Guinea pig’s body uses potassium to regulate functions that cannot be detected by the senses, such as intracellular pH, hydration of the cell walls, and functioning of the nervous system.

Potassium is also essential to the work of enzymes, which are vital in their body’s chemical reactions.

Potassium is needed by their body to maintain a healthy heartbeat, regulate blood pressure, and maintain the balance in the body fluids.

Quick facts about tomatoes

  • The tomato is one of the most popular vegetables in the world. 
  • It has been cultivated for over 2,000 years and is said to have been introduced to Mexico by the ancient Aztecs. 
  • It is the most widely cultivated fruit in the world, with over 100 varieties grown per year. 
  • There are over 1,000 varieties that are still growing in the United States, and over 200 in the United Kingdom. 
  • They are great as a salad, but also make an excellent addition to soups, casseroles, and other dishes.

Summary of ‘tomatoes and guinea pigs’

  • Guinea pigs can eat tomatoes
  • Tomatoes are rich in fiber, vitamins A, C, and potassium
  • Guinea pigs should only eat one cubic inch of tomato per serving
  • They can be fed to piggies twice every week
  • Tomatoes have high levels of sugar and hence need to be served in moderation to cavies
  • Piggies shouldn’t eat tomato leaves or vines
  • On the other hand, they can eat tomato skin and seeds
  • Guinea pigs can also eat cherry and plum  

Can guinea pigs eat baby tomatoes?

Guinea pigs can definitely eat baby tomatoes. Baby tomatoes are also called cherry tomatoes

What kind of tomatoes can guinea pigs eat?

Guinea pigs can eat yellow, plum, cherry, and grape tomatoes. It is important to understand how tomatoes need to be prepared for guinea pigs

General info

Be careful while feeding a tomato plant to guinea pigs as a few parts can be eaten by cavies while the others cannot.

Never give unripe tomatoes.

Do not feed them tomatoes above the permissible limit as it can distress their digestive health.

Also, make sure to pay attention to the types of tomatoes being fed to piggies. 

Piggies also love leafy greens.

They should be given food that is a good source of vitamin C.

Fresh vegetables are a tasty treat for piggies and contain a lot of health benefits.

A continuous supply of fresh water should also be ensured.

It can be served through a water bottle or bowl.