Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin? What You Didn’t Know


Yes, guinea pigs can eat pumpkins. Pumpkin boosts the immunity of guinea pigs and is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, and folate making it a great food for them. It is extremely low in carbohydrates, with no cholesterol or saturated fats. However, it should only be given as an occasional treat.

I know, you must be wondering why?

Pumpkin contains a fair amount of calcium and sugar, which could be dangerous if overfed to your little cavies.

That is why it should be fed in moderation and ensure to check all the nutrients in fruits and vegetables before serving them to piggies. 

Is pumpkin safe for guinea pigs?

Yes, pumpkin is safe for guinea pigs. Pumpkin helps guinea pigs prevent deficiency of Vitamin A and scurvy. They also keep their eyesight and weight healthily.

To understand this better, let us discuss its health benefits in detail:

Low Calories and Fats

Pumpkin is low in calories and fat which makes it a healthy food for guinea pigs.

It helps in maintaining a healthy weight and avoids the risk of obesity.


Vitamin A is a strong antioxidant that boosts immunity and keeps little piggies healthy.

Vitamin E keeps their skin robust and prevents inflammation and cancer.

Prevention of Scurvy

Just like humans and other primates, guinea pigs also cannot produce Vitamin C on their own.

Pumpkin along with other supplements provides much-needed Vitamin C to guinea pigs and prevents scurvy.  

Healthy Eyesight

Vitamin A and Vitamin E along with carotenoids have high antioxidant properties that are good for a guinea pig’s eyesight.

Pumpkin is a significant source of carotenoids such as beta-carotene, lutein, alpha-carotene, and zeaxanthin.

How many pumpkins can a guinea pig have?

Guinea pigs can have pumpkins once or twice a week with a gap of 3-4 days in between each serving. One needs to be careful while feeding pumpkins to guinea pigs, as overfeeding might cause indigestion or other health-related issues.

Avoid serving it regularly to maintain the sugar balance in their body.

Also, give 2-3 small cubes or pieces of pumpkin to figure out how their digestive system reacts. 

Another way to give pumpkin to your guinea pig is by mixing it with other leafy vegetables rich in vitamin C like spinach, kale, and bell pepper.

Is pumpkin dangerous for guinea pigs?

No, pumpkin is not dangerous for guinea pigs. But it should be consumed in moderation to avoid improper intake of sugar, water, and calcium. Also, pumpkin seeds should be averted altogether.

Every fruit and vegetable has its benefits and limitations.

Thus, it’s time to discuss the disadvantages of pumpkins for guinea pigs:

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are edible and eaten as a healthy snack.

They are a good source of protein and unsaturated fats.

But due to their size, pumpkin seeds can cause problems for our pocket friends.

It can get stuck in their teeth or throat and further create severe issues like choking.

So, remove all the seeds of the pumpkin before you let your guinea pig dine.

High Water Content

Anything in excess can be unpleasant for your cavy’s health.

Thus, excess water can end up giving our little friends diarrhea.

To avoid the chances of indigestion, introduce fruits and vegetables gradually to your guinea pigs, one at a time.

Moreover, notice their reaction and act accordingly.

High Sugar

Pumpkin flesh is relatively high in sugar.

So, if your guinea pig consumes an excessive amount of sugar in his/her diet, it might suffer from constipation, obesity, and tooth decay.

Can guinea pigs eat baked pumpkin seeds?

No, guinea pigs shouldn’t eat baked pumpkin seeds because they are excessively large and cooked.

Their digestive system isn’t made to process cooked food or any type of processed food.

Therefore, avoid pumpkin seeds from your cavies diet altogether.

Can guinea pigs have pumpkin skin?

Yes, Guinea pigs can eat pumpkin skin. Pumpkin skin is the most nutritious part of the pumpkin. It is rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

You can mix the pumpkin rind along with the flesh.

Also, chewing on pumpkin peels will be beneficial for a guinea pig’s teeth.

Make sure to clean the skin properly before feeding it to guinea pigs.

Can guinea pigs eat pumpkin guts?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat pumpkin guts. Pumpkin guts are rich in carotenoids, zeaxanthin, vitamins, lutein, and minerals. Just remember to remove the seeds before giving them to your pocket friend.

Can guinea pigs have pumpkin flowers?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat pumpkin flowers. Pumpkin flowers are rich in Vitamin C, B9, iron, phosphorus, and Vitamin A. They are healthier than the pumpkin flesh itself.

Pumpkin flowers help treat the common cold, enhance vision and immunity, and maintain teeth and bones.

Wash carefully before feeding it to guinea pigs and give only fresh flowers.

Can guinea pigs eat pumpkin leaves?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat pumpkin leaves. Pumpkin leaves are low in calories and rich in calcium, iron, protein, and vitamins A and C. 

Pumpkins have big green leaves with tiny spikes on them.

Provide squidgy pigs with only a minimal amount of pumpkin leaves as they are high in calcium content.

To prepare pumpkin leaves, wash them thoroughly and remove prickly spines before giving them to guinea pigs. 

Can guinea pigs have pumpkin stems?

Yes, Guinea pigs can eat pumpkin stems, but they are quite hard to chew for them. Feed them leaves stems instead of pumpkin stems.

As leaves stems are easy to chew and will keep their teeth healthy and disease-free.

And remember to serve only in small quantities and remove spikes to avoid itching and pain.

Can guinea pigs eat raw pumpkins?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat raw pumpkins. Their sensitive digestive system is unable to absorb processed or cooked food.

Thus, serving raw and fresh pumpkins is the best for guinea pigs.

Avoid giving fruits to your guinea pig, in case of discoloration or long-term storage.

Can guinea pigs have canned pumpkin or pumpkin puree?

No, guinea pigs cannot eat pumpkin puree or canned pumpkin as it is processed food that is terrible for guinea pig’s sensitive digestive system. It can cause dyspepsia (indigestion) or other health issues.

Can guinea pigs eat butternut pumpkins?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat butternut pumpkins. Butternut pumpkin is also known as butternut squash. It is also rich in vitamins, especially A, C, and E, and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and magnesium.

Butternut squash is light brownish, shaped like a pear with sweet and drier flesh.

But since it is slightly higher in calcium content as compared to other pumpkins, it is better to feed the guinea pig in moderation.

Can guinea pigs eat butternut pumpkin skin?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat butternut pumpkin skin.

Clean and wash butternut pumpkin skin properly to remove harmful pesticides, dirt, and pollution before serving it to little piggies.

And serve only in moderation as there is a risk of choking or gastric upset (vomiting or diarrhea leading to dehydration).

Can guinea pigs have Kent pumpkin?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat Kent pumpkins, also known as Jap pumpkin. They are excellent sources of nutrients, like antioxidants, beta carotene, fiber, potassium, and Vitamin C and E.

Jap pumpkin has ribbed grey-green mottled skin and a nutty, deep yellow flesh.

If consumed in surplus, Kent pumpkin can upset the guinea pig’s sensitive stomach and cause health issues.

Can guinea pigs eat mini pumpkins?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat mini pumpkins. They are rich in vitamins (especially C and A), iron, and beta carotene.

Mini pumpkins have hard and deeply ribbed orange skin and are round, squat, and flattened in shape with a light and small brown stem.

They are mildly sweet with yellow to orange flesh.

Can guinea pigs eat pumpkin pie?

No, Guinea pigs cannot eat pumpkin pie because it is cooked food that can cause digestion problems.

Pumpkin pie contains flour, eggs, milk, added sugar, butter, salt that are forbidden and unhealthy to guinea pigs.

Can guinea pigs have pumpkin spice latte?

No, guinea pigs shouldn’t have pumpkin spice latte. Pumpkin spice latte is rich in carbs, fat, calories, calcium, and sugar, which is again very unhealthy for our little cavies and their sensitive stomachs.

Therefore, avoid giving any liquid other than clean and fresh water to your furry friends.

Is Pumpkin Nutritious?

Yes, pumpkin is highly nutritious. Pumpkin is a Powerhouse of Vitamin A (highly nutritious). It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and beta-carotene (a carotenoid that your body converts into vitamin A) while being low in calories.

Vitamin A is beneficial for cell growth, immune system, and vision.

Its fiber revitalizes the production and activity of white blood cells, remodels bone, and helps maintain healthy endothelial cells (a single layer of cell that lines all blood vessels).

Vitamin C – 9 mg/ 100 g of pumpkin

Vitamin K – 1.1 µg/100 g

Vitamin A – 426 µg/ 100 g

Carotene – 4016 µg/ 100 g

Lutein + Zeaxanthin – 1500 µg/ 100 g

Calcium 21 – mg/ 100 g

Phosphorous – 44 mg/ 100 g

Potassium – 340 mg/ 100 g

Fibre – 0.5 g/ 100 g

Sugar – 2.76 g/ 100 g

Magnesium – 12 mg/ 100 g

Carbs – 6.5 g/ 100 g

Calories – 26 KcalFat 0.1 g/ 100 g

Water – 91.6 g/ 100 g

USDA – Nutrition in pumpkin

Healthy Alternatives Available for Guinea Pigs

Pumpkin is better if given as a treat to guinea pigs. But they need a regular intake of essential nutrients; vitamins, minerals, antioxidants

Therefore, let us explore other healthy alternatives available for cavies.


Essential fiber and nutrients make hay a staple part of the guinea pig’s diet (at least 80%).

It is crucial for their health and the proper functioning of their body.

Hay wears down their teeth and keeps them happy and healthy. 


Pellets are commercial food that helps in providing a balanced diet to guinea pigs.

While choosing pellets, go for a vitamin C-fortified pellet.

Because just like us, guinea pigs can’t create their vitamin C.

Provide 1/8 cup of pellets once a day along with hay and fresh vegetables for good health.


Fruits are generally high in sugar content.

Hence, feed your guinea pig fruits in moderation to provide them with the much-needed vitamin C.

Also, remember to wash the fruits thoroughly and avoid serving them cold.

  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Kiwi
  • Papayas
  • Peaches
  • Cucumber


Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. Hence, serve one cup of vegetables every day.

If you are planning on introducing new vegetables to your little pet, make sure to introduce one at a time.

Also, wash thoroughly to remove all harmful pesticides and pollution and avoid serving them cold.

  • Romaine lettuce (never iceberg lettuce)
  • Tomatoes (not the stems or leaves)
  • Spinach
  • Carrots and carrot tops
  • Artichokes
  • Kale
  • Broccoli spears
  • Other dark green vegetables

Quick Fun Facts about Pumpkin

  1. Pumpkins contain seeds that make it technically a fruit.
  2. Each pumpkin contains about 500 seeds.
  3. The word “Pumpkin” was first used in the story of Cinderella.
  4. India, Mexico, China and Ukraine are top producers of pumpkin in the world.
  5. The heaviest pumpkin weighed about 2,624.6 pounds. It was grown by a Belgian man named Mathias Willemijns.
  6. Except Antarctica every continent in this world grows pumpkins.
  7. The largest pumpkin pie weighed about 3,699 pounds.
  8. Pumpkin comes from the Greek word ‘pepon’ meaning large melons.
  9. Pumpkins are berries. According to botanical definition, berries are developed from a single flower with one ovary and are fleshy fruit.
  10. Tony Dighera, a Californian farmer, grew a pumpkin shaped like Frankenstein monster’s head.


  • Pumpkins are nutritious and good for health and should be served as treats to guinea pigs.
  • Remember to clean it properly and supply the right amount and frequency (once or twice a week) to avoid causing any health hazards like scurvy, dyspepsia, urinary infection, etc.
  • Guinea pigs can also eat pumpkin leaves and skin. But refrain from giving cooked or processed food or pumpkin seeds or stems as it can prove to be quite harmful.
  • Pumpkin pie and puree can increase guinea pig’s sugar levels. Hence, avoid giving it.

General info

Feeding your guinea pig pumpkin has excellent health benefits as it is an excellent source of dietary fiber and antioxidants.

The natural diet of guinea pigs should contain hay and nutritious fruits.

However, never feed calcium-rich foods because it could result in stomach pains, bladder stones and can cause pain during urination.   

Cooked pumpkin has no nutritional benefits for piggies.

Pumpkin isn’t a type of food that causes the fattening of guinea pigs.

Always provide fresh food including fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Clean water is a must for both young and adult guinea pigs.